Earlier this year the AFA worked in collaboration with other local river and estuary organisations to establish a South Hams River Improvement Project (SHRImP) for the Rivers Avon, Erme & Yealm. This local project, worth £380K, is part of a larger package of restoration work across rivers in the South West.
The Westcountry Rivers Trust (WRT) has successfully won the bid to deliver this project on behalf of the EA to meet national targets for environmental protection and help meet the EU’s Water Framework Directive standard.
Work specific for the River Avon will be to deliver a range of river habitat improvement activities including river bank fencing, nutrient management, gravel augmentation to increase spawning rates, electrofishing surveys, the release of reservoir water to maximise migratory salmonid movement and other work to ease migration and remove obstacles. The work will be carried out over the next three years with most of the work taking place next year.
The AFA committee will be working closely with the WRT project team to provide local advice where necessary so that this long term project improves the environment of the River Avon and thus the interests of our members.
WRT announcement available here (opens in new window)