The Silveridge Conservation Award

Two anonymous benefactors have each generously donated 100 pounds to the
Avon Fishing Association.

The committee has agreed to set up an award to be known as the “Silveridge Conservation Award”. The money will be used towards the purchase of a waterproof digital camera.

The camera will be presented at the annual Social Event to the member who makes the greatest contribution towards the conservation of fish stocks. The award winner, who will have use of the camera for a year, will be announced at the AGM.

The committee has agreed to use the following method to select the award winner.

Three percentage numbers will be calculated for each member:

  1. The number of salmon they returned expressed as a percentage of the total number of salmon caught by all AFA members
  2. The number of sea trout they returned as a percentage of the total number of sea trout caught by all AFA members
  3. The number of brown trout they returned expressed as a percentage of the total number of brown trout caught by AFA members

The three percentages will be added together for each member. This final figure expresses commitment to the conservation of salmon, sea trout and brown trout stocks in the river. The angler with the highest score will be receive the Silveridge Conservation Award.

Silveridge Conservation Award winners:

  • 2010 Stephen Lowe returned 4 salmon, 12 sea trout and 25 brown trout
  • 2011 Stephen Lowe returned 4 salmon, 12 sea trout and 31 brown trout
  • 2012 Paul Edginton returned 180 brown trout
  • 2013 Jonathan Camp
  • 2014 Stephen Lowe
  • 2017 Adrian Cross
  • 2019 Adrian Cross returned 2 salmon, 8 sea trout and 45 brown trout.
  • 2020 James Filingham 
  • 2021 Paul Lingham
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